How to use PS4 controller on PC run PlayStation 4 Dualshock console on your computer

Playing games and enjoying them is a fun that only gamers know, including me. There are several devices for playing games and presiding over them: gamer computer, PlayStation versions, Xbox devices from Microsoft. But no one disagrees that the ps4 controllers are the best nowadays, especially the Sony Dualshock 4, but is it possible to run the ps4 controller on the computer, the answer is simply yes With the ds4windows website, you can enjoy the features of the PlayStation 4 Dualshock console on your computer, how is that, well, follow the following steps How to use PS4 controller on PC Step1: Login to the ds4windows website and a page like an image below will appear to you Step2: After clicking on the download now, you will be taken to the GitHub website, to find the latest version of the PlayStation 4 controller driver on the computer, as you can see in the picture. Step3: After downloading the program, and to know how to run it in full, go back again by clicking on the ...